Contacting Options
There are several ways to contact me in case you have a question about the
book or the examples.
- You can reach me on my blog which is my favourite way of contacting as you can check if your question has been answered already.
- You can send an email to - I will check it once a week and answer emails there. I will not set up an email here as it is much easier to deal with spam on google mail.
- If you need information about the book itself, about availability, review copies, translations or releases in other formats (musical, movie, stage play, Beginning JavaScript on Ice ...) please contact the publisher Apress directly at 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 219, Berkeley, CA 94710. Phone 510-549-5930, fax 510-549-5939, e-mail, or visit I cannot give any promises or offer you anything.
Please keep contact to a minimum and don't be too miffed if it takes me a while to answer or if the answer is less wordy than you'd like it to be. I am soon very busy with my real job and the follow-up to this book.